News & Announcements
Paulding Exempted Village Schools would like to thank Hartzog Lumber for their dedication to our community and their financial contribution to our t-shirt fund. Once funds are raised, every student will receive a PANTHER STATE OF MIND t-shirt. Students will wear their shirts and show their Panther State of Mind through many different community service projects throughout this school year. If you or your business is interested in donating, please email Tanya Rickenberg at t_rickenberg@pauldingschools.
Thank you to Shisler Insurance for their financial donation to Paulding Exempted Village Schools' t-shirt fund. It is wonderful to see our community support one another and show off their PANTHER STATE OF MIND!
If your business or family would like to make a donation there is still time, as we are trying to raise $9000 and are only a quarter of the way to our goal. Please contact Tanya Rickenberg at t_rickenberg@
The teachers met this week in their TBTs to use their student data (EOC from last spring and STAR CBMs from this fall) to determine student needs and next steps for classroom instruction and interventions. In the second session of PPL, teachers met in subject teams to take a vertical look at data from last year's State tests. They will meet in these groups once a month to work through Learning Standards, our curriculum (new for Reading/ELA teachers, this year), and data across grade levels to identify strengths and gaps in instruction over time.
Thank you to Premier Bank for their financial donation to Paulding Exempted Village Schools' t-shirt fund. This year students will have the opportunity to help their community in multiple new and unique ways, while showing their PANTHER STATE OF MIND and showing off their t-shirts that are only possible through generous donations made by our community. It is wonderful to see our community support one another.
If your business or family would like to make a donation there is still time, as we are trying to raise $9000 and are only a quarter of the way to our goal. Please contact Tanya Rickenberg at t_rickenberg@
How long have you been teaching? 35 Years
How long have you been at Paulding Exempted Village? 35 Years
What grade/subjects do you teach?
ELA Grade 6
What do you like to do outside of school?
Outdoor activities and reading books/articles.
What positive changes have you seen while teaching?
The largest positive change is working together for the benefit of the students.
What are you looking forward to for the rest of this school year?
Observing student growth socially and academically.
What does having a Panther State of Mind mean to you?
Being the best person possible.
This year Paulding Junior High School will be collecting money to help construct the Veterans' Memorial that will be located in Paulding, Ohio. On Monday, September 9th members of the Paulding VFW presented to all PJHS students the importance of honoring our veterans, what the veterans' memorial is going to look like, and how the students of PJHS can help with this project. Shown in the picture are two members of the Paulding VFW with a collection of PJHS students that attended the assembly.