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PEVS had a very successful first Panther Professional Learning Day on Wednesday.  For the teaching staff, the 2-hour PPL was divided into two sessions.  In one session, Mr. Rodney Harrelson, a collaborative leadership consultant, continued his August 14 presentation on developing highly effective work-based teams.  In the other session, teachers worked in their grade-level Teacher Based Teams (TBTs) to analyze and discuss student assessment data in order to identify students' strengths and needs.  The paraprofessionals began a video course and group discussion on Conscious Discipline by Becky Bailey, which will continue for the next ~12 weeks. 

We will continue to use the data we gather from student assessments during our grade-level TBT meetings next week.  In addition, we will also spend time in subject teams (ELA, Math, Science, Music, etc.) next week where we will begin the journey of better understanding the vertical alignment of content standards and where there are gaps for our students, starting with analyzing district assessment data .